
How do pricing and contracts work?

The goal is to make sure that these uploaded photos add value, and sometimes a customer might not send the photos in at all. The pricing is based on a per unit (link received from the customer) basis. For example, requests were [...]

By |2024-03-20T22:44:37-06:00March 20, 2024||Comments Off on How do pricing and contracts work?

How does the training and on boarding work?

ClaimPix offers onsite training for the platform. All employees can be trained, but it is most beneficial to utilize a “train the trainer” type process. Often there are questions and things that come up in the training process that pertain to internal [...]

By |2024-03-20T22:44:31-06:00March 20, 2024||Comments Off on How does the training and on boarding work?

How long does it take to get ClaimPIX up and running?

The process can go as fast or slow as necessary. From a technology side, set up can be completed in under five minutes. However, the best success typically comes from a thorough training and onboarding process with key stakeholders and employees.

By |2024-03-20T22:44:21-06:00March 20, 2024||Comments Off on How long does it take to get ClaimPIX up and running?
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